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2020 BRANCH Roots & Shoots

The program aims to inspire young people to develop leadership skills and realize their opportunity to make real changes in the world at the local level, in their communities.  Students will have an opportunity to do just that as they assemble and design Little Free Libraries, collaborate to determine where to place them, and plan for their stewardship (depending upon how many we are able to build, students may be able to take Little Free Libraries home). If there's interest, we’ll incorporate a field trip to the Baltimore BookThing, to gather free books.  Much of our time will be spent doing the fun, hands-on work of screwing together, painting and decorating Little Free Libraries.  However, we'll also discuss Roots & Shoots youth leadership strategies, which are outlined on their website ( Students are invited to sign up for Roots & Shoots action challenges online, and youth 13+ participating in this program are invited to apply for Goodall's National Youth Leadership Council.

The Little Free Libraries Movement

Through Little Free Library book exchanges, millions of books are exchanged each year, profoundly increasing access to books for readers of all ages and backgrounds. Click on the LFL image to learn more about this popular, internatinal book-sharing movement ...

The Little Free Library Gallery
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